Online Speed Coaching & Mentoring

NUMA Speed and the T2B training principles, were established to serve as the foundations for a mentoring program for both coaches of explosive sports, power athletes and anyone who is serious about moving their body from point a to point b faster than they currently can. If you are looking to improve your start, your acceleration, your maximal speed, your speed endurance or a combination of all of these in your chosen sport NUMA Speed is here to help you achieve those goals. With the benefits of the internet we can now deliver these training methods to our clients worldwide.


1/100th of a second can be the difference of making an NFL draft, making an Olympic Team or Tim’s case it was the measurement of time which Tim Montgomery shaved off Maurice Greene’s time to become the fastest man in the world.


Speed comes from the combination of strength, power, flexibility, balance, relaxation, elasticity and many other components all of which take time to build, so if getting faster is important to you, get in touch with NUMA Speed now.


Tim readily admits that he made huge mistakes in the past for which he takes full responsibility and for which he has fully paid the price. However he also admits that if he had had a great mentor in his life, he would have made better quality decisions throughout his career.

He also believes that performance enhancing drugs can only help in the 100m up to 0.15 of a second at the most, meaning that he still feels he could have ran a 9.5-9.6 cleanly or close to the current world record of 9.58. Tim ran 9.92 from lane 2 at the age of 21 without the use of PEDs and feels in his heart that if he had curbed his detrimental lifestyle and had the support of a high performance structure like NUMA Speed he could have improved to 9.6 cleanly.


Tim’s message is this; you can achieve all of your goals cleanly but you have to combine all that is known now about regeneration, handling speed, the trauma it places on the central nervous system and how to break through plateaus in training regularly enough to increase the speed of the human body. These are just some of the aspects which he coaches to athletes around the world in order to squeeze every ounce of potential from them cleanly.

NUMA Speed is dedicated to assisting athletes and coaches world-wide to achieve their potential with honesty and integrity so that no athlete will ever make the mistakes or endure the suffering that Tim did as a consequence of his own mistakes.

The mottos of NUMA Speed are; “Do it well and do it right” and “Never underestimate your own ability”


If you are looking to improve your start, your acceleration, your maximal speed, your speed endurance or a combination of all of these in your chosen sport then contact NUMA Speed and make a start.


Tim understand that results do not come by simply selling someone a book or DVD. In athletics, constant analysis, reanalysis and good mentoring is required and for this a relationship has to be established. Therefore only 50 athletes per year will be accepted on to the NUMA Speed Online Program.


Tim also understands that Rome was not built in a day. Any website telling you that you can improve your speed in 7-10 days needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. Speed takes time but the rewards can be enormous, personally and financially. It is for this reason that he insists on all athletes or coaches signing up for a minimum of 4 months.


All of NUMA Speed’s athletes sign a confidentiality agreement meaning what is discussed between Tim and anyone else at NUMA Speed and the athlete is 100% confidential. Some of NUMA Speed’s athletes prefer to remain anonymous and so confidentiality is of paramount importance.


The cost for the mentoring package is $495 per month.

What is included?
An initial assessment

This will include;

1. A detailed questionnaire on health, lifestyle and nutrition

2. A biomechanical screening via video analysis software

3. An in depth analysis of sprint technique and efficiency to establish that major muscle groups are firing in the right sequences to ensure optimum speed and power and to ascertain which areas need improvement. It is also essential in the prevention of injuries.


1. 1 email bi-weekly regarding video analysis of training to monitor progress as well as to review bi-weekly update sheet which will include your training diary as well as any additional feedback which the team have requested from you.

2. A tailor made speed programme which will be sent as a 1 month block but can and will be adjusted as time goes on.

3. Tim will reveal the elements and technology behind his Bullet Start and the facts behind his amazing reaction time which to this day is still the fastest in history at 0.100 of a second, three times faster than the blink of a human eye.

4. Both will reveal the technique behind the drive phase in sprinting and how to hit top end speed later for 100m sprinters or earlier for 40yard try outs.


1. The correct breathing techniques to maximise power.
2. The differences between speed and quickness.
3. Specific drills which Tim used to improve his 30m times plus password protected access to Tim’s training vault demonstrating these.
4. How to become a master of your event.
5. How to increase your confidence massively.
6. How to increase your vertical jump as well as your standing broad jump.
7. How to increase acceleration to top end speed.
8. How to increase your top end maximal speed.
9. How to increase your ability to hold your top end speed for longer through specific drills and work outs.
10.The regeneration secrets of the world’s elite sprinters to understand how to avoid soft tissue as well as connective tissue injuries.
11. To establish a consistent warm up routine to maximise every training session.
The secrets of how to increase flexibility by understanding the human body. Did you know by holding trigger points in the lower abdominals you can release lower back and hamstring spasms?


Give yourself or your child the best coaching money can buy.
Give yourself or them the best chance to shine.

Contact NUMA Speed


Please understand that it is your responsibility to work directly with your physician before, during, and after seeking consultation with NUMA Speed LLC or any other specialized consulting group. As such, any information shared by NUMA Speed LLC its agents, officers, and employers and any affiliated companies is not to be followed without the prior approval of your physician. If you choose to use information from this website without the prior consent of your physician, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your decisions and are agreeing to hold harmless NUMA Speed LLC its agents, officers, and employers and any affiliated companies from any liability with respect to injury to you or your property arising out of or connected with your use of the information discussed. By making use of information on this website, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless NUMA Speed LLC and its subsidiary and other affiliated companies, and their employees, contractors, officers, and directors from all liabilities, claims, and expenses, including attorney's fees, that arise from your use or misuse of the information on this website.

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